The Last Alliance - Elves and Men of Gondor vs Moria Goblins

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Battle Setup

Image of battle field

The Scenario

This scenario focuses on a small encounter in the days preceding the final defeat of Sauton at the foot of Mount Doom.

At the end of the Second Age, a small band of Goblins are trying to break through the lines of the allied High Elves and Men.

Although outnumbered and easily out matched in a straight fight, if the Goblins move quickly they can overwhelm the defenders and break through.

If just one of the Goblins escapes then they will be able to return to the battlefield with reinforcements to attack the Elves and Men from the rear.

Board Layout

Using a gaming area of 3ft x 3ft

The Good player places their mpodels anywhere with their bases touching one side of the gaming area.

The Evil player places the goblins touching the opposite side of the gaming area.

Winning Conditions

The Good player wins if all the Goblins are killed.

The Evil player wins if one of the Goblins manages to escape by moving off the opposite side of the gaming area from where it started

Turn One

Image of battle field

Priority - Goes to Good

The first turn always leads with Good taking the first move

Movement Good

Seeing the Goblins in the distance the elves and men advance directly at the Goblins

Movement Evil

The Goblins, needing to break through charge directly into battle

Shooting - Good - Elven Archers

Dice Value 5
Dice Value 1
Dice Value 6
Dice Value 2

Four Elven archers take aim and fire striking true with two arrows.

Hits - Good - Elven Archers

Dice Value 6
Dice Value 3

One of the arrows finds its mark, striking a Goblin and killing it.

Shooting - Evil - 3 Goblin Archers

Dice Value 2
Dice Value 4
Dice Value 2

The Goblins retaliate with a volley of their own, but failed to hit any of the advancing Elves

Turn Two

Image of battle field

Priority - Goes to Evil

Dice Value 6
Dice Value 6

With a draw in the priority roll, the Goblins take the initiative, since good had it last turn.

Movement Evil

The Goblins continue their charge, closing the distance between them and the Elves and Men

Movement Good

The Elves and Men hoping to engage in hand to hand combat and stop the Goblins from breaking through, advance to meet the Goblins.

Shooting - Evil - 3 Goblin Archers

Dice Value 3
Dice Value 4
Dice Value 3

The Goblins take aim at the Elven swordsmen, but their arrows fall short, failing to find their mark.

Shooting - Good - Elven Archers

Dice Value 6
Dice Value 1
Dice Value 4
Dice Value 4

The Elven archers shifted their attention to the closest Goblin spearman

Hits - Good - Elven Archers

Dice Value 3
Dice Value 3
Dice Value 5

One of the arrows finds its mark, eleminating another Goblin.

Turn Three

Image of battle field

Priority - Goes to Good

Dice Value 3
Dice Value 1

With a roll of three the Good side takes the initiative, and the Goblins are forced to react.

Good Movement

Encouraged by their success, in the shooting phase and now outnumbering the Goblin force. The forces of good engage all the goblins in hand to hand combat.

Evil Movement

Engaged in combat the Goblins are unable to move and forced to fight.

Fight Phase - Elven Swords Vs Goblins

Fight one is taken by the Goblins but they fail to wound

Fight two is taken by the Goblins and take out a Elven Swordsman

Fight three and two elves take on a single Goblin and win, and wound the Goblin removing him from the fight.

Fight Phase - Men of Gondor Vs Goblins

The Men of Gondor win all the fights, but fail to wound the any of their Goblin enemies.

Fight Phase - Elven Archers Vs Goblins

Fight one goes to the Elvens and kill another Goblin

Fight two goes to evil but their hit doesn't wound the Elven Archer

The goblins win another fight, but again fail to wound

Phase Summary

The forces of good lose one of their number, but the Goblins are now reduced to 8

Turn Four

Image of battle field

Priority - Goes to Good

Dice Value 4
Dice Value 2

Again the forces of good take the initiative, and the Goblins are forced to react. The Goblins are now outnumbered and the forces of good are confident of victory.

Good Movement

With priority it allows the forces of good to engage all the Goblins in hand to hand combat. And with the Goblins outnumbered and some facing multiple opponents.

Fight Phase - 2 Elven Swords Vs 1 Goblin

Dice Value 6
Dice Value 3
Dice Value 1

Two Elven swordsman take on a single Goblin and win, but fail to wound the Goblin.

Fight Phase - 1 Elven Sword Vs 1 Goblin

Dice Value 4
Dice Value 3

The win goes to the Elven swordsman, and they take out another Goblin

Fight Phase - Men of Gondor Vs Goblins

In the following four fights two wins go to the goblins and two to the Men of Gondor, but only won wound is inflicted and another Goblin is removed from the field of battle.

Fight Phase - Elven Archers Vs Goblins

Split into tho fights, in both the Elven archers out number the gobins and win both fights, and manage to take out both Goblins.

Phase Summary

A great showing by the forces of good and the goblins find their number reduced to just 4

Turn Five

Image of battle field

Priority - Goes to Evil

Dice Value 3
Dice Value 4

The Goblins are desperate to break through the lines of the forces of good, and with a roll of 4 they take the initiative.

Movement - Evil

In a bid to escape the now overwhelming forces of good, the Goblins make a break for it and attempt to retreat.

Movement - Good

However the forces of good are able to react and catch up to the retreating Goblins.

Fight Phase - 3 Elven Swords Vs 1 Goblin

Dice Value 5
Dice Value 4
Dice Value 4
Dice Value 1

Out numbered and out matched the Goblin is unable to win the fight.

Good Wins - Wound Rolls

Dice Value 6
Dice Value 4
Dice Value 4

The Elven swordsman win the fight and manage to take out another of the Goblins.

Fight Phase - 1 Man of Gondor Vs 1 Goblin

Dice Value 3
Dice Value 3

The superior fighting skill of the Man of Gondor takes the win

Good Wins - Wound Rolls

Dice Value 3

But fails to wound the Goblin

Fight Phase - 2 Elven Archers Vs 1 Goblin

Dice Value 3
Dice Value 2
Dice Value 5

In a surprising turn of events the Goblin wins the fight.

Evil Wins - Wound Rolls

Dice Value 3

But fails to break through the armour of the Elven Archer

Turn Six

Image of battle field

Priority - Goes to Good

Dice Value 3
Dice Value 2

Sensing victory the forces of good take priority this turn

Movement - Good

With the forces of evil truely outnumbered the men and elves complete the encirclement of the Goblins.

Movement - Evil

Each of the Goblins is now engaged in hand to hand combat with multiple warriors and unable to move.

Fight One - 1 Elven Sword and 2 Men of Gondor Vs 1 Goblin

Dice Value 6
Dice Value 5
Dice Value 6
Dice Value 4

Not much hope remains for the goblin as the forces of good take this one

Good Wins - Wound Rolls

Dice Value 6
Dice Value 6
Dice Value 4

With two rolls of 6 the Goblin is taken out of the fight

Fight Two - 1 Elven Archer and 2 Men of Gondor Vs 1 Goblin

Dice Value 5
Dice Value 4
Dice Value 5
Dice Value 1

Another victory for the forces of good

Good Wins - Wound Rolls

Dice Value 6
Dice Value 3
Dice Value 2

Another goblin falls

Final Fight - 3 Elven Archers Vs 1 Goblin

Dice Value 3
Dice Value 6
Dice Value 1
Dice Value 4

The final fight is also taken by good

Good Wins - Wound Rolls

Dice Value 6
Dice Value 1
Dice Value 1

The final goblin is taken out of the fight

Battle Summary

Image of battle field

Good Victory

A decisive victory for the forces of good, the Goblins posed a threat but were ultimately defeated by the skill and bravery of Men and Elves working together on the battle field.

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